The following is our agenda for our first meeting:
- Introductions: A chance for everyone attending to share their name, residence, and what they would like to see from a neighborhood association.
- Reasons for forming a neighborhood association (Greenwood and Bristor)
- Process of forming a neighborhood association (Bristor)
- Discussion of name and priorities for neighborhood association - see below (Greenwood)
- Formation of a steering committee (or something similar) to work on the bylaws and next steps to being an official organization. (Greenwood)
Some preliminary (and definitely negotiable) reasons for forming a neighborhood association are:
- Provide a more enhanced sense of community by organizing neighborhood events.
- Provide an organized voice for interactions with the high school, neighboring businesses, and the city related to neighborhood issues.
- Provide organization for dissemination of information to and from the city about our neighborhood.
- Enhance notoriety of the neighborhood.
- Find ways to encourage better relationships between renters, homeowners, and businesses.
- Obtain representation on the Inter-Neighborhood Council.
Others? Post them below and we can add them to the discussion in the meeting.
Encourage the development of a distinct neighborhood identity.