Thursday, September 22, 2011

First Meeting Agenda for Oct. 5

Our first meeting is scheduled for Oct. 5 at 7 pm in the high school in the old library, entering on the N 11th side of the building. A mailed notification should be arriving at all the neighbors houses soon, thanks to the city. If you can not make it to the meeting, please contact me especially if you would like to be involved in the remaining work to form the association. 

The following is our agenda for our first meeting:
  1. Introductions: A chance for everyone attending to share their name, residence, and what they would like to see from a neighborhood association.
  2. Reasons for forming a neighborhood association (Greenwood and Bristor)
  3. Process of forming a neighborhood association (Bristor)
  4. Discussion of name and priorities for neighborhood association - see below (Greenwood)
  5. Formation of a steering committee (or something similar) to work on the bylaws and next steps to being an official organization. (Greenwood)

Some preliminary (and definitely negotiable) reasons for forming a neighborhood association are:
  1. Provide a more enhanced sense of community by organizing neighborhood events.
  2. Provide an organized voice for interactions with the high school, neighboring businesses, and the city related to neighborhood issues.
  3. Provide organization for dissemination of information to and from the city about our neighborhood. 
  4. Enhance notoriety of the neighborhood.
  5. Find ways to encourage better relationships between renters, homeowners, and businesses.
  6. Obtain representation on the Inter-Neighborhood Council.
So far I have secured a donation from On The Rise Bakery and am hoping to get us a few more treats to make the meeting more fun!

Others? Post them below and we can add them to the discussion in the meeting.

Encourage the development of a distinct neighborhood identity.

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